Kneginje Ljubice 14, 11000 Beograd

Invitation to apply for funding scientific-research projects and issuing publications in connection with the Holocaust and other crimes

By virtue of article 22 of the Law on remedying the consequences of seizure of assets of Holocaust victims with no living heirs (Official Gazette of the RS No.13/2016) and article 22 of the Articles of Association of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia dated 17 March 2013., at its session held on 14 April 2019, the Executive Board announced the following    

  I N V I T A T I O N

PROGRAM: 1.1/C and 1.1./D


Applications are invited for funding original scientific-research projects and publications in connection with the Holocaust and other crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators based on researches carried out in the country and abroad as well as on the processed material that constitutes a scientifically reliable proof of various aspects of crimes committed by the Nazis and their collaborators.

The purpose of the invitation is to include individuals and scientific institutions from Serbia in the issuance of publications and scientific-research works on the rise, horrors, and consequences of the Holocaust in Serbia during the Second World War.   

The total amount to be awarded per invitation is RSD 2,242,000.00.
The final decision on the selection of projects and the award of funds shall be rendered by the Executive Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbia based on the project selection proposals prepared by a commission formed for that purpose by the Executive Board.

All projects must meet the following criteria (requirements):

•    Quality, significance, and substantiveness of the proposed project;
•    All projects must  be conceived to strengthen/upgrade  the capacity, networking, and professionalization of the institution’s activity;
•    All projects must  ensure the conditions to make results of the project accessible to citizens,  enable massive use of the project results, and contribute to animation and inclusion of and knowledge transfer to the widest possible  public outside the Jewish Community;
•    All projects must incite intercultural dialogue;
•    All projects must improve international cooperation and create conditions for the inclusion in international projects, programs, and networks;
•    All projects must be in the function of marking significant dates and commemorations from the Holocaust period and contribute to the culture of remembrance;
•    All projects must ensure conditions for the realization and preservation of the cultural identity of the Jewish people through identifying all forms of present-day antisemitism, which led to the tragedy of the Holocaust in the past.

Technical criteria for the selection of projects are as follows:
Meeting the formal competition requirements: 

•    complete documentation along with project description and detailed information on the project, and with the clearly contracted place and time of the project execution;
•    submission of a detailed specification of project costs along with a list of all project sources of finance;

 The following shall not be taken into consideration:

•    projects with pronounced commercial effects

Only Jewish Communities in Serbia, institutions, and individuals from Serbia are eligible to apply for funding under this Invitation

One project can apply only under one invitation or competition announced by the FJCS
•    (Application) Form 1. 
•    Form for reporting as foreseen by the Instructions for narrative and financial reporting;

The following items must be attached with the application form when applying in any of the invitation fields:

Applicant’s data:

•    If the applicant is a Jewish Community or institution, the applicant’s official identification data must be included; if the applicant is an individual his/her biography must be included.
•    detailed project description;
•    proof of partnership and cooperation /contract, agreement, etc./;
•    list of participants in the project including at least one professional biography;
•    detailed budget;
•    letter of invitation for projects in the field of international cooperation;
Considered shall be only the applications that are:
•    complete and compiled in line with the above-specified order. 
•    submitted using application forms downloaded from the FJCS’s website, filled out accurately and in compliance with the application requirements, with financial sums expressed solely in RSD.  
•    handwritten or typewritten (printed using a typewriter) applications shall not be accepted

Project applications  can be  submitted by mail only, (address: Savez Jevrejskih Opština Srbije, Lomina 32-34, 11000 Beograd) with a note: “INVITATION FOR FINANCING SCIENTIFIC-RESEARCH PROJECTS (1.1./C) AND ISSUING PUBLICATIONS (1.1./D) IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOLOCAUST AND OTHER CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE NAZIS AND THEIR COLLABORATORS IN 2019 “
Applications are to be submitted for each project separately;
•    On the envelope, next to the note “POZIV….” (Invitation) please clearly print also the code of the field the project application refers to.

Applications must be submitted in three copies

Submitted materials are non-returnable.

The invitation shall be open as of  17 April 2019. Applications shall be received until 17 May 2019.

Results shall be posted on the official website of the FJCS within 45 days at the latest counting from the final deadline for project application acceptance. All participants shall be deemed notified of the results as of the date of posting thereof on the FJCS’s official webpage.  


•    The FJCS’s Commission shall consider applications and propose projects based on submitted documentation and data on projects contained therein.   Funds shall be awarded purposefully for concrete projects and NO subsequent project changes in terms of fund beneficiaries and projects themselves shall be possible  (i.e., it will not be possible to propose another project in lieu of the selected one, i.e., to reassign already awarded funds).
•    Each project applied for by the same application must be mailed separately.

Coverage of the following expenses shall be considered to be purposeful use of funds:
•    expenses necessary for conducting proposed activities; 
•    expenses  that are in conformity with  the principles of legality and cost-effective management, with particular focus on obtaining the best value for money;
•    real expenses are borne by the applicant or his partner during the project realization period;
•    any and all expenses must be recorded during the period of project implementation, in accounts and other financial documents maintained by the applicant or his partner(s); such expenses must be recognizable and verifiable and supported by original documentation the copies of which shall serve as the basis for justification of such expenses to the FJCS. 

Any and all expenses associated with project implementation are allowable save for accounting ones.  

Possible fees foreseen by the project must be calculated and justified together with applicable taxes and contributions. 

Applications received outside the set time period shall be rejected. 

If you require any further information, please contact us at 011 2910/363  (Biljana Popadić), weekdays, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.  


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