After the strong reaction from the group of Australian Jews, the creator of this controversial video game announced that he will remove the character of Adolph Hitler. Still, the fact remains that this obscure historical figure was part of an entertainment game intended for young people, until the Jewish community protested.
Robert Sabadoš, the president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia –shows no doubt in regard to such a use of Hitler’s persona.
“To say the least, it is inappropriate to introduce something like that in the world of children’s video games, or any games for that matter. It is a bizarre theme, a bizarre character, it is something that can’t be classified, or get close to any value system. If Hitler, who is the embodiment of evil, suffering, death, and horror, is introduced into the world of video games and fun, it is dreadful even to imagine what kind of impact that will have on new generations. Luckily, they weren’t witnesses of the terror which occurred, but as adults we have the obligation to tell them that this cannot be a part of our value system, and that it is not acceptable” Sabadoš stated.
“There are also examples when people think that the history starts with them. If it wasn’t in my time, then it is like it never happened. What does Auschwitz mean for those people? Just because they cannot see people dressed in stripes, holding on to the wire on the other side, wondering if they will ever get outside, does it mean that it never happened? Auschwitz is a symbol left to remind us, it is not something fun and interesting intended for a small circle of people. Each time carries its own challenges and value systems. However, there can’t be no compromises in regard to that. Hundreds of thousands people vanished from this territory between 1941. and 1945. That is something that must be forever remembered. At that time the hell literally went down onto the earth, it wasn’t just some video game”, Mr. Robert Sabadoš highlighted.
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